The Good and the Bad

The bad news is that I'm at DFW airport before 9 AM on a Sunday morning getting ready to fly all day to the Middle East. 

The good news is that it's a direct flight from DFW airport straight to Dubai International Airport. So no three or six hour layover somewhere in Europe before I get on another plane to the Middle East.  Also no lost luggage, I am carrying it on with me. 

More good news is that it's on the Emirates Airlines new Airbus A380 which I think is now the largest passenger airplane in the world. These are new planes, with 2 levels.  They had to modify some gates in Terminal D at DFW just to let some these new planes park here and get people on and off.  Emirates just started flying the A380 into and out of Dallas last month in October. 

The bad news I saw today is that it will be in the 30s today and going to be cold all week in Dallas, possibly even snowing today 

The good news for this trip is it's going to be 85° in Dubai all week with no rain.  It felt cold just wearing a short sleeve shirt into the airport today but there's no need for a jacket or coat this week. 
