Drivers Ed

We have been using a driver to pick us up and get us through thus crazy city. For $200 a month you can have a chauffeur full time to drive your car for you. One of the Rockwell Collins managers here does that. Traffic is so bad here that he can save money and time by working in the car. And sometimes you can not even find a parking place in time to meet your appointment. So driver can let you out and find parking (maybe).

It is about 7 PM and we are fighting through traffic. No rules, if there were 3 lanes in the road you can count on 5 cars across with scooters and touk-touks filling in the gaps. Cars are about 10 inches from front, back and both sides. People push their broken down vehicles right down the middle of the road. Many cars have their side mirrors removed or taken off, making the driving that much more impressive. I do not think they care what is behind them. Plus the exhaust and smoke stinks. I really can not believe that there are not more accidents. Did I mention that horns are honking non-stop from all around. Also we have seen several Drivers Ed cars out - thus is one tough place to learn to drive in.

Now we are stopped in traffic even though there are 8 lanes here. Ajay said it would take him 3 hours to get home
