Taxis in Rio

See my bad attempt at a Haiku poem about driving in India in blog from Jan. 12, 2012. Here is poem of taxis here in Rio. 

Taxis in the USA smell 
like a third world country
A taxi in Brazil smells a little worse
When you ride in a lot of taxis, 
you smell like the taxi driver
Always hot even early In the morning
They go very fast and get too close 
Too fast and close at same time scares me
Now throw in fast motorcycles driving between fast taxis
Zipping in and out 
riding on the white line
Cycles do not all have lights at night
It is always crowded on the roads,
With a large group it is hard
for two taxis to stay together 
Get a driver, don't drive here yourself
Taxis do not take credit cards 
Must have Reals in your pocket 
A big wad of bills will get u there
