Grand Hyatt Amnan

Our trip has been rescheduled a few times.  Last week were were supposed to come here and stay in the Grand Hyatt Amman.  When I looked on Google at the hotel I saw that 10 years ago, the Amman Hyatt was one of 3 hotels that were bombed at the same time by "Al Qaeda in Iraq".  There were 60 people killed and another 150 people hurt in the bombings.  We changed hotels for this week.  We are at the Amman Marriott.  Security is pretty good, they have concrete posts in the car entrances to stop cars, they look at the drivers papers, use mirrors to check under the car and then look in the trunk. When you go into the hotel entrance, there is an airport metal detector with a small crew watching and checking for bombs.  I feel safe here. 
