
Map of India

Back in the USA at McDonalds

Over the North Pole

New Delhi Airport

Soft Goat Hair

Classes of People in India

More India pictures

Shopping in New Delhi

Liquids that you need in India

Nice Tatas

Going shopping

Back in the Smoke of New Delhi

Haiku poem by Don Stone

That's Illegal

Bharat Electronics Ltd. (BEL)

India is Gravy Country

Ajay -- Our host and tour planner.

Why don't we have McAloo Tikki in Texas?

Bad Moments on India Trip #1

Mumbai was Bombay

Hyderabad India

I wouldn't do it

Made it to Mumbai

Excuse my typing

Dirty water bottles

Don't drink the milk

New Delhi

New Delhi

Traffic from the back seat

Paul asleep in back of car

Guard at RC office

Larry crashing on couch at office

Travel Plans

Drivers Ed

Monkey Business Photo

Building Construction with Sticks

Veggie Pizza

Are those machine guns loaded??

Military Restroom Rating Guide- Update

About the dinero here

Paul and Larry at work

One reason traffic is slow

Hard to find a place to park

Larry and Ajay

What's up with Indian movies??

Who feeds these cows??

Monkey Business

Fancy Restroom

Italian Lunch in India

My new suit

Indian Pickup Truck

Going to work

Elephant In the road

Get me off of this plane

Went past Jyvaskala and into Russia